MGK: EndoCUBE Reseller
EndoCUBE Distributor
Commercial refrigeration consumes approximately 20% plus of the total electricity generated on this planet. A green solution for the food and beverage industries has now arrived in the shape of the EndoCube. EndoCUBE provides a very simple and affordable solution to improving refrigeration efficiency, product quality and energy consumption. The genius of the EndoCube is that it fits over the thermostat sensor and mimics the temperature of the food. This means that the refrigeration unit only activates the cooling cycle when it is actually necessary. This can result in a reduction in cycles of as much as 80%.
The impact on the electricity bill with installation of an EndoCube on any coolroom or commercial fridge situation is substantial. EndoCube is a must have technology for those looking to save energy on refrigeration. It reduces the number of cycles of the compressor also saving on maintenance by reducing wear and tear on the motor and other parts. EndoCube is certified “food safe” by the Food Safety Authority. For more information or EndoCUBE price enquiry, please contact us.
EndoCUBE Key Benefits
- Save energy by up to 30%.
- Increase the life of your equipment.
- Reduce your carbon footprint.
- Increase the safety of food storage.
- Save on CO2 emissions.
- Reduce energy bills significantly.