Air Disinfection System

AirKlean Air Disinfection System

The AirKlean UV disinfection system has been designed to disinfect air in small enclosed spaces - cold stores, production facilities, public areas, in fact anywhere that requires infection and odour control.

The unit is ceiling mounted and has an internal fan which draws air through the unit. Here, the air passes over high intensity UV-C emitters which act on airborne microbes such as bacteria, spores, viruses, moulds, yeast and fungi.


  • Reduces spoilage of fresh produce and extends shelf life
  • Disinfects 24 hours a day
  • Is practically maintenance-free
  • Dispenses with the need for chemical cleaners which can be expensive and harmful to health and the environment
  • Has an excellent price/ benefit ratio
  • Simple to retrofit

MGK is Dubai’s leading supplier of air klean uv disinfection system in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Middle East.