PURION – Solutions for Treatment of Air
UV-radiation is suitable to disinfect air contaminated with free floating microorganisms. Natural convection of air ensures that all air films are treated with UV-C. Air disinfection therefore leads to a considerable reduction of the level of germs. In consequence the danger of infection from air as a major reason for diseases is eliminated. The source of illness and bad odour is removed.
The AIR De-germinator AIRPURION active enables systematic UV based disinfection of air. Within a sealed profile consisting of aluminium the air to be disinfected is incoming and directed above a UV-lamp.
The AIR De-germinator AIRPURION steril fridge active enables systematic UV based disinfection and removal of bad odour within fridge rooms. The air is taken actively inside the plant via fan. To meet highest HACCP standards the UV lamps are equipped with special splinter protection (UV safety glass film).